Activities for Wheelchair Users: Get active! Get outside!

Activities for Wheelchair Users- Get active! Get outside!

You don’t have to let a wheelchair hold you back from enjoying the great outdoors!

Whether you’re interested in hiking, camping, fishing, or just spending time in nature, there are many activities for wheelchair users.

With the right equipment and a little bit of planning, you can participate in a wide range of outdoor activities and experience the thrill of being active in nature. So don’t let your wheelchair keep you inside.

Museums and Galleries

Going to galleries and museums can be a fun and educational experience for people of all ages. Many galleries and museums offer audio guides or inclusive guided tours.

This can provide valuable context and background information about the exhibits on display. Some galleries and museums may also host lectures, workshops, or other educational events.

Whether you’re a history buff, an art lover, or just curious about the world around you, visiting a gallery or museum is a great way to expand your horizons and discover something new.

Adventures on Trails That Are Wheelchair Accessible

Going on wheelchair-friendly trails can be a fun and accessible way to enjoy the great outdoors. These types of trails are designed to be navigable by people using wheelchairs or other mobility devices.

They often have features such as wide, smooth surfaces, gentle grades, and handrails to make them easier to use.

Some wheelchair-friendly trails may also have rest areas or other amenities that make it easier for people to take a break and rest along the way. The best trails for wheelchair users will have convenient city access.


Swimming is a great way to stay active and get exercise, and it can also be a relaxing and enjoyable way to beat the heat on a hot day.

Many public pools and beach areas have designated areas for people using wheelchairs or other mobility devices. They often have features such as ramps or pool lifts to make it easier to get in and out of the water.

Some pools may also offer adaptive swim equipment or special programs for people with disabilities. This might include therapeutic swimming or water aerobics.

Join a Sports Team

Playing team sports can be a fun and enjoyable way to stay active and meet new people. There are many team sports to choose from, ranging from traditional sports like wheelchair basketball or wheelchair soccer.

Playing team sports can help you improve your physical fitness, build teamwork and communication skills, and have fun with others who share your interests.

Many community centers, schools, and sports clubs offer team sports programs for people of all ages and abilities. This includes programs specifically designed for people using wheelchairs.


Whether you’re a seasoned bowler or just looking to try something new, bowling can be a great way to have fun and spend time with friends and family.

Many bowling alleys have ramps or other accommodations to make it easier for people using wheelchairs or other mobility devices to bowl.

Some bowling alleys may also offer specialized equipment. This might include bowling balls with adapted handles or rails to help guide the ball.

Fruit Picking

Fruit picking can be a fun and enjoyable activity for people of all ages. It can also be a great way to get some fresh, locally grown produce.

Many farms and orchards offer fruit-picking opportunities for visitors, and some are located relatively close to urban areas. This makes it easy for people who live in the city to participate.

When going fruit picking, it’s important to consider wheelchair safety and make sure that the farm or orchard is accessible for people using wheelchairs or other mobility devices.


Gardening can also be a great way to spend time in nature and get some exercise. This is also a great activity for those who want to relieve stress.

If you are using wheelchairs, it’s important to make sure that the gardening space is accessible and easy to navigate. You should also consider using tools to make it easier to reach plants and tend to them.

Many cities have community gardens or other public gardening spaces that are designed to be wheelchair-friendly. These can be a great way to get involved in gardening and connect with other gardeners in your community.

You can also plant your own garden. Keep in mind that if you ever need help with your garden, it might be possible to hire an assistant. They can complete tasks that are more labor-intensive.


There are many different styles of dance that can be adapted for people using wheelchairs. Some dance studios and community centers even offer dance classes specifically designed for people using wheelchairs.

You should consider going dancing if you are looking for a way to stay active and improve your coordination and balance. It will also give you a chance to have fun with others who share your interests.

It is a good idea to work with an instructor or dance partner who is familiar with working with people using wheelchairs and can help you adapt the dance steps to your needs.

There Are Many Activities for Wheelchair Users

If you’ve been trying to find out about the best activities for wheelchair users, keep in mind that it’s possible to go dancing, bowling, or join a sports team.

Are you ready to start spending more time outside? If so, you should consider purchasing a new power wheelchair. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us once you are ready to get started!