Being Prepared for Your Mobility Assessment

Being Prepared for Your Mobility Assessment

6.8 million Americans use a mobility device to get around. If you are one of them, you deserve a device that suits your unique needs.

Mobility aids don’t come as one-size-fits-all. They can and should be tailored to each person’s body, goals, and functionality. That’s why a good mobility assessment matters. It’s how you make sure you get the mobility aid that is perfect for you.

To learn how to prepare for your mobility assessment so that you can find the right wheelchair or aid to achieve your goals, we are here for you. In this guide, we will outline the important questions that will prepare you for your mobility assessment, help your mobility expert suggest the right equipment for you, and keep you achieving your personal goals.

What are Your Body’s Needs?

No two bodies are exactly alike. Getting to know your unique physical needs is the first step to picking out the right mobility aid for you. At your mobility assessment, be prepared to tell your mobility expert about your health challenges, physical limitations, and physical strengths as well.

What Are Your Main Mobility Restrictions?

Do you walk for short distances, or not at all? Is transferring from a wheelchair to a car somewhat easy for you, or very difficult? Is it comfortable and safe for you to bend your legs to sit in a traditional wheelchair position, or do you need a wheelchair that is specially designed for your body?

In your mobility assessment, make sure you explain the underlying causes of your mobility restrictions as well. This will help your mobility assessor narrow down which mobility aids will work for you.

For example, are you looking for short-term mobility support as you recover from an injury? Do you have a congenital or chronic condition that limits your movement? An experienced mobility expert can suggest the right aids to meet your specific needs.

What Mobility Advantages Do You Have?

It’s also important to think about what mobility advantages you already have. This will help your mobility assessor pick a wheelchair or mobility aid that capitalizes on your strengths.

Maybe you struggle to stand for long periods of time but are great at transferring. Perhaps getting up and down is difficult for you, but you can walk well. Maybe you have great upper body strength, so you want a wheelchair that lets you push yourself.

Building on your strengths will help you design a mobility plan that keeps you challenged, healthy, and reaching your goals.

What Other Health Challenges Do You Have?

When it comes to choosing a wheelchair, you should take all your health needs into account. For instance, if you have complex neurological or myopathic conditions, a specially-designed rehab power chair gives you extra support to achieve maximum mobility.

Another important consideration when choosing a wheelchair is your risk of skin ulcers. Wheelchair users are at high risk of developing pressure ulcers, and lots of health challenges including nutritional challenges, continence problems, and some neurological disorders, increase that risk. If you have any co-occurring health challenges that could lead to pressure ulcers, mention them to make sure you get the right wheelchair cushion and accessories to keep you safe.

What Are Your Mobility Goals?

Your mobility goals are as unique as you are, and there’s a wheelchair or other aid out there to meet every goal. Make sure you pick the mobility aid you need by considering these questions.

For Which Activities Do You Need Mobility Support?

Maybe you move around your house independently but want mobility support for when you go out.

In this case, you may want a mobility aid that can maneuver around all your house’s tight corners.

Be specific about your needs. if you need your wheelchair to drive you into the bathroom so you can brush your teeth, say so. On the other hand, if your goal is to be able to get out more often to visit family, you will be able to pick a model based on that need.

Have You Used Mobility Equipment Before?

Compare your past (or current) mobility aids to the goals you have.

Are you currently using a manual wheelchair, but realizing that you need motorized power to get you through the day? Have you used a walker or cane before, and found that it wasn’t ideal? Are your health needs changing, so that the solutions that worked before aren’t working anymore?

Remember, you are the expert on your own health. In your mobility assessment, talk about what works for you and what doesn’t.

What’s Your Environment?

Another key factor that will determine which mobility aid is right for you is your physical environment. Do you need a small, foldable frame, or one with lots of support? Do you need powerful wheels to get you across rough surfaces, or a powerful motor to tackle big hills?

Here are a few more questions to help you analyze your environment:

  • What kind of ground will you be using your mobility aid? For instance, will you be traveling on smooth concrete or indoor surfaces, or rougher terrain like grass or gravel?
  • Are there curbs or inclines in your route?
  • What distances will you be using your wheelchair to travel?
  • What kind of accessibility aids are already present in your environment? For instance, do your work and doctor’s office have a wheelchair-accessible ramp and elevator, or will you need to transfer out of your chair every time you enter?

Your Mobility Assessment, Made Simple

Your mobility assessment is about knowing your body, understanding your needs, and achieving your mobility goals. With this guide, you will be prepared to tell your mobility expert exactly what you need and find the mobility aid that works for you.

You don’t need to go far for your professional wheelchair assessment. Freedom Mobility Center offers a free in-home assessment for your mobility needs. Contact them today to set up your appointment and take the first step towards achieving your mobility potential.