Finding the Right Mobility Device for Someone with Cerebral Palsy

Finding the Right Mobility Device for Someone with Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy refers to a whole group of disorders that can appear in early childhood that affect a person’s movement and posture. Depending on the way the disorder manifests itself determines what type and form of cerebral palsy the person has.

Cerebral palsy can also get classified differently depending on the types of doctor they are seeing or which government agency they are working with. Cerebral palsy can get classified as mild, moderate, or severe.

Because cerebral palsy can cause different mobility issues for people, choosing a mobility device for someone with cerebral palsy needs to be considered on an individual basis. The mobility device used needs to provide adequate support and assistance which can make the choice difficult. Continue reading “Finding the Right Mobility Device for Someone with Cerebral Palsy”

What Accessories Should I Get for My Complex Rehab Chair?

What Accessories Should I Get for My Complex Rehab Chair?

Do you have a wheelchair or power chair that is in need of a bit of TLC and a personal touch?

Your daily mobility should be effortless. It’s important that you feel happy and comfortable getting around from A to B with a certain air of grace and style. This is where wheelchair accessories and attachments come in.

There are so many options and add-ons to choose which can positively impact your levels of comfort. Not to mention that customization helps to show a bit of your flair and personality.

Our Complex Rehab Chairs are perfect vessels to add these little details and accessories. Check out our comprehensive guide to ensure you are always making a grand entrance. Continue reading “What Accessories Should I Get for My Complex Rehab Chair?”

Games for Children with Limited Mobility

Games for Children with Limited Mobility

Did you know that 7.3% of children in the United States between the ages of 5-17 have a disability? Children under 5 years old in the U.S. account for 0.4% of kids living with a disability.

Although this percentage might seem small, this group of kids experiencing some type of disability matter. Their need to play and have fun is very important.

As a parent or educator of a child with a disability, you might be wondering what kinds of games and activities your child can participate in without feeling like they are being limited.

There are plenty of limited mobility games for your children to play and have fun with. Here are seven options that are sure to draw some excitement. Continue reading “Games for Children with Limited Mobility”

Choosing the Right Wheel Position for Your Chair

Choosing the Right Wheel Position for Your Chair

Did you know that 1.5% or about 3.6 million Americans over the age of 15 use a wheelchair to get around? Do you have a condition that requires the use of a wheelchair?

Have your wheelchair needs changed? Do you feel limited in your daily activities due to problems with your wheelchair? The troubles you’re facing might be due to an improper wheelchair wheel configuration.

Finding the right wheelchair wheel configuration could be the key to optimizing your independence. Here, we will provide information about different wheel drive systems, and describe how these systems can impact your day-to-day activities.

It’s important that you understand the options available, so let’s learn about how wheelchair wheel positions and drives can enhance your life. Continue reading “Choosing the Right Wheel Position for Your Chair”

What the Future Has in Store for Wheelchair Users

What the Future Has in Store for Wheelchair Users

Most wheelchair users wish they had a better wheelchair. The one they have is heavy, bulky, uncomfortable, or could even cause them pain. Most are not aesthetically pleasing and do little to boost the morale of the wheelchair user.

Whether you’re using a wheelchair as part of your rehabilitation, or need a wheelchair permanently in your life, you’re probably all too familiar with the feeling that there must be better wheelchairs out there. If only you could get your hands on one, or better yet, sit in one.

If you’ve ever wondered what the future holds in store for wheelchair users, look no further. This article will focus on wheelchair future tech and design features in Complex Rehab Chairs and touch on innovations that were once the stuff dreams were made of. Continue reading “What the Future Has in Store for Wheelchair Users”

How Important is Seating?

How Important is Seating?

In America, an estimated 1.7 million people rely on wheelchairs or power scooters as a mobility aid.

For those that spend a significant amount of time in their chairs, the position they sit in can have a huge impact on their health and well-being. A wheelchair seating system that’s a good fit can help them stay comfortable, while one that’s a poor fit can cause a host of problems.

If you want to improve your loved one’s health, learn some of the biggest reasons why wheelchair seating and positioning are vital for health and comfort. Continue reading “How Important is Seating?”

Navigating Around a Large City in a Complex Rehab Chair

Navigating Around a Large City in a Complex Rehab Chair

Traveling around the city in a wheelchair comes with obstacles. These obstacles shouldn’t stop you from getting outside the house, heading out to the city, and getting done what you need to do, however. Wheelchair accessible travel is possible, so don’t let your wheelchair limit you from doing everything that everyone else is able to do.

You might feel overwhelmed, anxious, and a bit nervous to go out into the city when you’re not sure how wheelchair-friendly it’ll be. These feelings are normal. Once you’re able to learn how to tackle the big city in your wheelchair, however, you’ll be able to navigate through any city you want.

To get some insider tips on how to take over large cities in your wheelchair, here’s our complete guide to everything you need to know. Continue reading “Navigating Around a Large City in a Complex Rehab Chair”

Planning a Beach Vacation with Your Complex Rehab Chair

Planning a Beach Vacation with Your Complex Rehab Chair

If you use a complex rehab chair to help you get around, then you might have felt that you can’t go on certain vacations or book certain trips because of it. If you’ve ever felt this way, you’re not alone. Many people who use complex rehab chairs feel like it sometimes holds them back.

We’re here to let you know that yours doesn’t have to anymore. There are wheelchair accessible beaches waiting for you around every corner.

At least once a year, you deserve to get away from your busy every-day life and find a nice and relaxing place to vacation. If you’re able to plan a vacation away from everything and everyone more than once a year, then go for it.

When’s the last time you thought about planning a beach vacation? Are you worried that your wheelchair could hold you back from doing all of the things you imagine doing when visiting the beach?

Here are some ways to start planning a beach vacation with your complex rehab chair. Continue reading “Planning a Beach Vacation with Your Complex Rehab Chair”

How to Make Your Bedroom More Wheelchair Accessible

How to Make Your Bedroom More Wheelchair Accessible

One-third of all non-fatal injuries suffered by the elderly in the U.S. occur due to a fall. Keeping your home well lit, free from hazards, and designing your space with safety in mind can go a long way toward reducing the likelihood of falling.

The reasons why people need a bedroom designed for accessibility aren’t just related to age, but the need for accessibility as well. Bedrooms are typically a private space. Making a bedroom more accessible helps retain your privacy by making it easier for you to maneuver in your room on your own.

Because your bedroom is your sanctuary and your personal space, your comfort and ease in moving around in your room are vital to your well-being. Everyone needs downtime and a place to get away from it all, but it is hard to relax if you don’t feel comfortable and at peace.

Want to increase the feeling of wellbeing while spending time in your bedroom? Here’s our list of tips for making your bedroom safer and more accessible.  Continue reading “How to Make Your Bedroom More Wheelchair Accessible”